In 2020, one question we ought to ask ourselves is - Are we living an Intentional life?
When we ask "why" before we take any action, it helps in taking an inventory of our needs in that instant. In a world that is out there to sell us stuff we don't need, convince us that our work is our Identity, and pushes us into believing that hustling is the only way to success - we reach a point where we find the need to reset our lives by finding a more holistic, satisfying way to live that is aligned with who we are, who we stand for, and keeps us close to ourselves.
I grew up with an "over-achiever" value system. By the time I turned 30 I burnt myself out. Not only was my life wearing me out, I was dissatisfied with myself and looked down upon my achievements. The stealth expectations weighed me down so much that whatever I attempted resulted in giant failures. Back then I never knew any other way to live. But I decided to change my life from somewhere. It took a while to even recognize what was wrong. But during the quest, I discovered meditation and 3 months into meditating daily, I deep dived into practices like mindfulness and found a slightly grounded approach to life. This was the start of understanding Purposeful Living. It was new, but I felt less anxious everyday.
It's been seven years since I have explored living intentionally and here are my tried and tested top 5 habits of creating a more aligned and fulfilling life -
Gratitude Journaling has enriched my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. The more I journal, more awareness and connection it creates. The Awareness, that each moment we have the freedom to choose differently and change what's not working. The Connection to the already available resources in our lives that we forget we had.
When I started tidying up my space, it opened up to newer energies. This was similar to the exact same feeling you get when you take a hot shower with Peppermint essential oil. "Letting go of things that do not spark joy" as Mari Kondo puts it, helps me to keep my finances and my waste in check. I save more and use more of what I have by asking a simple question, "do I need this right now?"
Pursuing happiness is like chasing unrequited love, it eludes you. The more I chased happiness, miserable and tired I was. It is the purpose that we should be seeking to lead a truly content life. Best way to check what your purpose is, is by asking yourself, "what makes me feel alive and whole?"
Taking pauses is seen frowned upon in a world that runs on competition. You will never know whether you are headed in the right direction or not if you don't pause and take an inventory of how far you've come. Knowing when to slow down is as important as knowing when to march ahead. Sometimes all it takes is a conscious reset to progress forward.
Being around people who know you in and out, who cheer you on your successes are the people that make your life enjoyable and give a sense of belonging. Recognizing people who make you feel loved leads us to a strong belief that we are lovable, supported and our presence is very much needed.
These are some of my daily practices. These simple practices go a long way in achieving a balance. While these are not the only practices out there, I would love to know what are your go-to rituals when it comes to mindful living?